Solvency and rating Risk

With our business information, you can get an overall assessment of your customer or your customer's business

Whatever your situation - we have the right solution

We bring you accurate and up-to-date information on domestic and foreign business partners in one database, available at
It is up to you to choose to what extent and in which language you want to download your economic data. We offer short so-called short reports, abbreviated summary information as well as complete economic information with a credit rating index.

Creditreform d.o.o.

Trg komandanta Staneta 8
SI-1000 Ljubljna

Tel.: +386 59017366


Customer assessment and risk

Our database provides you with accurate and up-to-date information on your domestic and foreign business partners. The scope of the information is entirely up to you.
You can adjust your credit limit depending on the availability of information.



We bring you the service of active monitoring and important changes. We are watching you for substantial and fundamental changes, about which we will inform you immediately.



CrefoZert - we provide both electronic and paper versions of the creditworthiness certificate. 
You can also receive the certificate in English or German.